We wish to strengthen clinical competencies within the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders through educational activities aimed at health-care professionals.

We believe that diversity strengthens education and for this reason diversity of applicants, including, but not limited to, gender, ethnic origin and socioeconomic background, is encouraged. We especially encourage projects from or that target low-income countries.

Project content

Neurotorium welcomes applications for funding for non-profit educational projects aimed at healthcare professionals. The teaching activities must be at the level of vocational or university-level education, including continued-education programmes. The projects must aim at reinforcing the understanding of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders and their personal and societal consequences.

  • Projects must use, wholly or partially, the educational resources offered on our platform, www.neurotorium.org.
  • Projects must be firmly rooted in the environments in which the projects will be implemented. Therefore, projects must have the clear support of an established organisation.
  • Established organisations within this call include, but are not necessarily limited to, universities, institutions, hospitals, and clinics.
  • Projects can be planned as multiannual activities with recurring teaching programmes, over up to three years.

Who can apply?

Applicants and educators must have relevant experience for the proposed project.

The project must be anchored within a non-commercial organisation and if granted, the funds can only be paid out to established organisations.

The main applicant can only apply once per year.

You cannot apply for projects or events that have been held before the expected approval of grants.  

How much?

The Lundbeck Foundation expects to allocate DKK 2 million to this call per year. You can apply for up to DKK 100,000/year for a period of one to three years. The budget can only include direct costs. Travel expenses for participants with documented limited funds are accepted.

How to apply?

You must submit your application, written in English, via the Lundbeck Foundation’s application system (LANAS).

Your application must include the following:

  • Summary of the project.
  • Purpose and aim(s).
  • Description of target group(s) and strategy for raising awareness of the educational activity/initiative, if relevant.
  • Project description, including description of the curriculum, an educational plan and timeline.
  • Description of where the educational activities will take place.
  • The expected learning outcomes of the initiative.
  • Expected impact, including number of participants reached and assessment plan.
  • Description of the future anchoring and continuation of the project activities.
  • A (tentative) list of educators, including relevant competencies and role, that must be completed before any funds can be granted.
  • Applicant’s CV.
  • If relevant, include a 1-page CV of any co-applicant(s)/partners.
  • If relevant (in case of resubmission of application), comments on feedback from reviewers and explanation of changes.
  • Detailed budget.
  • Letters of support from the host institution, and/or other relevant institutions and collaborators.

Please see the Guide for Applicants and the application form for further requirements and details.


You are welcome to contact Scientific Programme Manager Bryn Farnsworth von Cederwald (bfc@lundbeckfonden.com) if you have any questions regarding your application.

Evaluation process

The evaluation will be based on (listed in no particular order):

1) Idea, innovation, and concept, including:

  • The quality of the project.
  • How Neurotorium resources are brought to use.
  • Relevant experience and commitment of applicant.
  • Choice and relevance of co-applicants/partners and the degree to which the collaboration strengthens the project.
  • The link between the activity and expected main outcomes.
  • The level of innovation in delivery of education within the project.

2) Potential to positively impact clinical practice, including:

  • The project’s potential to reinforce the understanding of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and personal and societal consequences, of psychiatric and neurological disorders.
  • Choice of target audience and activity.
  • The impact of the project and plans for future continuation of the project after completion.
  • Projects that have the largest possible benefit to the broadest possible audience.

3) Feasibility of the project, including:

  • How the proposed activities, including measures of success and sharing of learning outcomes, are monitored and evaluated.

4) How Neurotorium is utilized in the project.

Applications will be evaluated and decided upon by the Neurotorium Editorial Board.

Important dates

Applications should be submitted before 13:00 CET on the day of the deadline.

Application deadlines:

September 4th, 2024

Expected approval of grants:

December 2024

What are the grant conditions?

If your application is successful, you and your host institution will be required to accept Lundbeck Foundation’s General Terms and Conditions for Research Grants. A complete program, including a complete list of consenting educators must be in place for the funds to be paid out.

The purpose of the Lundbeck Foundation is to create powerful ripple effects that bring discoveries to lives through investing actively in business and science at the frontiers of their fields.