Since sleep regulation involves many neurotransmitter systems and brain circuits, it is likely that the mechanisms generating normal sleep overlap with those that maintain mental health. This would explain why disturbed sleep and schizophrenia are so intimately linked. This was the essence of a seminar given on 17th April 2015 by Russell Foster, director of the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Unit at the University of Oxford, UK.

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Novel and emerging pharmacologic treatments for Schizophrenia play_circle Video play_circle
Novel and emerging pharmacologic treatments for Schizophrenia

In this video Professor Christoph Correll discusses the challenges with available schizophrenia treatments & what clinicians should keep in mind when considering the emerging treatment options for schizophrenia.

14.11.2023 Schizophrenia
image Image Summary of high-level clinical characteristics of currently approved as well as newly emerging pharmacological treatments for schizophrenia with at least one positive placebo-controlled study
Summary of high-level clinical characteristics of currently approved as well as newly emerging pharmacological treatments for schizophrenia with at least one positive placebo-controlled study

The table summarizes the high-level clinical characteristics of the existing and newly emerging pharmacological treatments for schizophrenia with at least one positive placebo-controlled trial.

14.11.2023 Schizophrenia
image Image Neurotransmitter pathways involved in current and novel mechanism-action schizophrenia treatments
Neurotransmitter pathways involved in current and novel mechanism-action schizophrenia treatments

LDT=Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus; NAc = Nucleus Accumbens; SN = Substantia Nigra; VTA = Ventral Tegmental Area.

14.11.2023 Schizophrenia