Applied Biostatistics
In this video series, Professor Christoph Correll presents “Applied biostatistics”. Professor Christoph Correll explains the basics of biostatistics, the different designs and hypothesis testing, how power, effect size and sample size are calculated and how to analyze the data.
In this video, Professor Christoph Correll share insights on understanding the nature of the data, interpreting with missing data and comparisons between groups/within groups.
In this video, Professor Christoph Correll defines the power, the sample size and effect size in clinical trials.
In this video, Professor Christoph Correll presents the why and the what health care professional need to know about statistics and how the Hierarchy of evidence is used, and when to use Research study goals.
In this video, Professor Christoph Correll talks about the different design and hypothesis testing and how to apply the right methodology in your study question incorporating a statistical analysis plan.