The treatment of bipolar disorder (BD) involves both acute and maintenance therapy. Acute treatment aims to alleviate the immediate symptoms. This slide deck presents a thorough overview of the acute treatment phase for BD, highlighting pharmacological, psychosocial, and other therapeutic interventions used to manage bipolar disorder effectively.

This slide deck was developed by Dr Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo, MD., PhD., King’s College London, UK, and Professor Dr. Christoph Correll, MD., The Zucker Hillside Hospital, NY, USA, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, NY, USA, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, in collaboration with Cambridge (a division of Prime, Cambridge, UK.

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Acute treatment
Acute treatment
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History of treating people with bipolar disorder
History of treating people with bipolar disorder

Prescribing trends have changed over the last few decades, as shown on the slide.3 An analysis using US data shows decreased rates of lithium, and mood stabilizer prescriptions, coupled with an increase in the rates of antipsychotic use – perhaps driven by the increased a…

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Treatment of bipolar disorder
Treatment of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder describes a complex group of serious chronic psychiatric disorders.5 Bipolar disorder has a substantial impact on the patient, through impact on functioning and quality of life, and also in terms of morbidity and mortality.5 It is therefore critical that …

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Guidelines for the acute treatment of mania
Guidelines for the acute treatment of mania

The treatment goals in bipolar disorder are to reduce the intensity of the current mood episode, and to reduce the severity and reoccurrence of subsequent episodes.1 The standard approach to treatment is with mood stabilizing medications, antipsychotics, and psychotherapy…

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Guidelines for the acute treatment of bipolar depression
Guidelines for the acute treatment of bipolar depression

A challenge in the acute treatment of a depressive episode in patients with bipolar disorder is differentiating the symptoms from major depressive disorder; key to this differentiation is the presence of a prior (hypo)manic episode.1 The standard approach to treatment is …

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The importance of early and personalized intervention
The importance of early and personalized intervention

The idea of early intervention in bipolar disorder is gaining momentum.1 Indeed, the idea of preventing disease progression in a condition that is associated with a substantial burden of morbidity and mortality is a very attractive prospect.1 However, in order to fully re…

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Pharmacological interventions for bipolar disorder

Pharmacological interventions for bipolar disorder
Pharmacological interventions for bipolar disorder
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Pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder
Pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder

There are many different pharmacotherapies that are used to treat bipolar disorder, including lithium, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics.1 Generally, the treatment approach to bipolar I disorder is similar to bipolar II disorder, as there are few studies that have inte…

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CANMAT/ISBD guidelines - Pharmacological treatment of acute bipolar mania
CANMAT/ISBD guidelines - Pharmacological treatment of acute bipolar mania

The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder outline a step-wise approach to helping patients with acute mania, including detailing which pharmacotherapies should be attempted as a first-line therapy, before moving …

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Treatment of acute bipolar mania
Treatment of acute bipolar mania

Agitation often accompanies manic episodes, and can require specific intervention if severe, or if it persists beyond the resolution of the manic episode.3 Rapid-acting intramuscular or inhaled formulations of antipsychotics can be used first-line to treat agitation, whic…

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CANMAT/ISBD guidelines - Pharmacological treatment of acute bipolar depression
CANMAT/ISBD guidelines - Pharmacological treatment of acute bipolar depression

The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder outline a step-wise approach to helping patients with bipolar depression, including detailing which pharmacotherapies should be attempted as a first-line therapy, before …

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Treatment of acute depression
Treatment of acute depression

Because there are relatively few medications indicated for acute bipolar depression, many pharmacotherapies are used off-label.1,2 Beyond pharmacotherapy, there is some evidence in favour of interventions such as electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimula…

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Mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder
Mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder

The mechanism of action of the mood stabilizing agents discussed on the slide are not entirely understood.4 Mood stabilizing agents may have effects on the inositol uptake process, and can modulate the balance of GABA–glutamate signalling in the brain.4 It is this pharmac…

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Lithium for bipolar disorder
Lithium for bipolar disorder

In more recent times, the prescription of lithium has decreased, partly because studies of lithium efficacy tend to be older studies, which are not as methodologically rigorous as modern clinical trials.2 Therefore, although lithium is an established treatment for bipolar…

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Valproate for bipolar disorder
Valproate for bipolar disorder

The slide summarises the evidence that this systematic review and meta-analysis found for the use of valproate in the treatment of acute mania in bipolar disorder in adults.1 The role of valproate was slightly less clear in adolescent patients, partly because of low-quali…

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Antipsychotics and bipolar mania
Antipsychotics and bipolar mania

Unlike in the treatment of acute bipolar depression, where the evidence is less straightforward,5,6 there is good evidence in favour of the use of antipsychotics for the treatment of acute mania.1-4

1. NICE. Treatment summaries, Mania and hypomania. Available …

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Antipsychotics and bipolar depression
Antipsychotics and bipolar depression

As outlined on the slide, there is some conflicting evidence regarding the use of antipsychotics in the acute treatment of bipolar depression.1,2 However, their use in patients with bipolar mania is broadly supported, and antipsychotics are included in many treatment guid…

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Antidepressants and bipolar depression
Antidepressants and bipolar depression

The use of antidepressant medication in people with bipolar disorder has been a source of controversy.4 Although widely used, there is poor evidence in favour of antidepressant therapy in bipolar disorder, with few well-designed good-quality studies forming an evidence ba…

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Investigational therapies and novel developments
Investigational therapies and novel developments

Many different approaches to treatment are being investigated for use in bipolar disorder.

1. website. Available at: Accessed February 2024.
2. Husain MI, Chaudhry IB, Khoso AB, et al. Minocycline and celecoxib as adj…

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